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  3. Removing a StayLinked Server Upgrade

Removing a StayLinked Server Upgrade

In cases where an upgrade/update of the StayLinked Server is performed and you desire to roll back to the prior version, there are a few options. Rolling back to a published build can be accomplished by simply installing the upgrade package for that release. The upgrades do not validate that the version is incrementing forward and you can ‘upgrade’ to an older release.

Depending on the platform, more than just the LIB subdirectory may be replaced during an update. Many installers include a Java Runtime, stored in the JRE subdirectory of the Server. Using a backup to restore the JRE folder, LIB folder, and strserver.sh startup script (including the staylinkedservice.ini on Windows) would return the StayLinked objects and Java version to your pre-backup versions. In the case of systems running as a service, the server may need to be removed and re-added using the parameters in place prior to the upgrade if any customizations were made.

Some of the update programs create backup copies of objects as part of the update procedure. These will be in the StayLinked folder with a name of b4 to indicate they were in place before the update was executed.

On IBMi systems, the STAYLINKED user profile must be active and have a valid (though unknown and random) password. On all systems, it is important that the Server process is stopped before making many changes to these files, including the JRE and devices folders which can contain objects that are locked when in use.

You can confirm the version of your StayLinked Server process using the Server List in the StayLinked Administrator or in several of the log files that record the server details during startup.

Updated on April 9, 2021

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