Here are some scripting mnemonics that are available for special use:
[devicename] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute the device name into the script.
[deviceip] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute the device IP into the script.
[devicemac] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute the device MAC address into the script.
[hex ######] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute Hexadecimal values into the script.
[esc] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute an escape key. This cannot be part of a string but the [hex 1B] is usable in any location and performs the same function. Server build 214 now also supports [ESC].
[space] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute a space key. This mnemonic is not usable in all string locations. Primary included as an assumed mnemonic to work in common locations. The [hex 20] is usable in any location and performs the same function.
[uni ####] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute Unicode values into the script.
[var ##] – This script mnemonic is used to substitute ‘User Defined Variables’ into the script.
[delay] – This script mnemonic is used to insert a 1/10 second delay into the startup script.
[long_delay] – This script mnemonic is used to insert a 1 second delay into the startup script.
[userid] – This script mnemonic is used to insert ‘device identifier’ value into the startup script.
[deviceid] – This script mnemonic is used to insert the PPC/CE.Net Device Name into the script. For all Version 9.1 clients, you can specify a ‘Device ID’ value in the StayLinked Client’s configuration dialog. Or, you can use ‘Client Settings’ to assign a ‘Device ID’ value to individual devices. For older PPC/CE clients, you can specify the ‘Device ID’ in the operating system configuration. For CE.Net devices, this value is configured at the ‘Start – Settings – Control Panel – System – Device Name Tab – Device Name’ dialog. For PPC devices, this value is configured at the ‘Start – Settings – System Tab – About – Device ID Tab – Device Name’ dialog. For DOS devices, this value is managed using the Device Settings file (STAYLINK.INI) and the ‘device_id’ setting.
[devicetype] – This script mnemonic is used to insert the StayLinked Client Device Type value into the script.
[encrypt #,%%] – This scripting mnemonic is used to cause scripted text to be encrypted in the configuration files. There are two arguments provided to this mnemonic, the first is a unique sequence number and the second is the text to be encrypted. An example would be the use of a 5250 logon sequence in a ‘Startup Script’. In this case, your script for logon could be entered like this:
[encrypt 1,myuserid][fldext][encrypt 2,mypassword][enter]
The text enclosed in the [encrypt #,%%] mnemonic will be stored in the configuration files in an encrypted format and will no longer be displayed in clear text in the Administrator user interface.
[cursor row#, col#] – This script mnemonic is used to move the current telnet cursor location to a specific row and column. This scripting mnemonic is used for both VOICE input processing and for Screen Reformatting input processing.
[button_row] – Starting in v15.2, this script mnemonic returns the row when a graphical button is placed for dynamic tap spot collections, allowing the substitution of the telnet screen row as a number in other mnemonics or scripts where this mnemonic is used.
[hostentry] – Starting in v15.2, this script mnemonic returns the name of the host entry in scripting.
[inputloc row#, col#] – This script mnemonic is used to the next user input to be targeted to a specific row and column. This scripting mnemonic is used for Screen Reformatting input processing.
[wait] – This script mnemonic is used for VT emulation to cause the processing to wait for the next telnet screen presentation event to occur before continuing with further script processing.
[send] – This
script mnemonic is used for VT emulation to force the current script segment to
be sent to the host immediately.
Scripting Mnemonic Examples:
The mnemonic [hex 0D] will insert an ASCII CR (Carriage Return) into the script.
If you need to include any square brackets in your script, you should include two of them.
The mnemonic [hex 1B5B5B32347E] is the equivalent of ‘ESC[24~’ or the VT F12 key.
This script ‘[hex 1B][[24~’ is also the equivalent of ‘ESC[24~’ or the VT F12 key.
These special scripting mnemonics are available for the following StayLinked Features:
VT Telnet Host Property – ANSWER BACK MESSAGE
[devicename], [deviceip], [devicemac], [hex ##], [uni ####], [userid], [deviceid], [devicetype]
Telnet Host and Device Group Startup Scripts
[devicename], [deviceip], [devicemac], [hex ##], [uni ####], [var ##], [delay], [long_delay], [userid], [deviceid], [devicetype], [encrypt #,%%]
Keyboard Mappings
[devicename], [deviceip], [devicemac], [hex ##], [uni ####], [var ##], [userid], [deviceid], [devicetype], [encrypt #,%%], [screen_map]
Tap Spot Collections
[devicename], [deviceip], [devicemac], [hex ##], [uni ####], [var ##], [userid], [deviceid], [devicetype], [screen_map]
Barcode Prefix and Suffix, Printing Completion and Cancellation Actions
[hex ##], [uni ####], [var ##], [delay]
5250 Device Name Prefix (Device Groups)
NULL, [deviceid]
VOICE input commands
[cursor row#, col#]
Screen Recognition Auto-Responses
[devicename], [deviceip], [devicemac], [hex ##], [uni ####], [userid], [deviceid], [devicetype], [encrypt #,%%], [wait], [send], [regexgroup #]
Screen Recognition and Reformatting Regular Expression Input Modifiers
[cursor row#, col#], [inputloc row#, col#]
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