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Enterprise Licensing

Pool Server licensing is available for enterprise customers to dynamically distribute licenses based on usage.

Pool Server Licensing

Customers running more than six StayLinked Servers may benefit from the StayLinked Pool Server. The Pool Server is a license distribution system that operates much like a DHCP lease system. Each StayLinked Server or ‘Pool Node’ can have locally installed licenses, and licenses that are leased to that server by the Pool Server. This allows the Pool Server to move seats between StayLinked installations as they’re needed.

Pool licensing consists of three parts, the Pool Server, Pool Nodes and Pool Licenses. The Pool Server gives licensing to each StayLinked Server (Pool Node), where the pool licenses can be used are for Client sessions.

Each Node entry allows the configuration of quantities and renewal interval. StayLinked Servers are configured to check in with a Pool Server by the addition of a special configuration file called esppooladmin.xml in the config subdirectory of the Server. This file provides the network address of the Pool Server. When this file is in place, the Server will automatically check for licensing during startup and various licensing events.

Please contact our sales or support team for more information on the StayLinked Pool Server if you have questions about pricing and configuration.

Node Configuration

Each StayLinked Server or ‘Pool Node’ gets licensing from the Pool Server. Licensing can be specifically assigned to each ‘Pool Node’ as needed.

Updated on February 27, 2024

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