Echo Test

The echo test is available with each StayLinked client and is available by selecting echo test from the tools menu while the client is connected to an active session. If your device is running in full screen mode, use the keyboard map combination for the ‘keyboard menu’ and select echo test from the list.

The test will run through 200 transactions (some devices offer a configurable echo test), displaying various statistics in real time. Once the test completes, the results will be recorded in the client staylink.log file. Pressing the escape key or tapping a touch-screen device will stop the test immediately.

Below is a brief description of each echo test statistic:

SNT: Sent packets.
RCV: Received packets.
SYN: Synchronization requests.
IMS: Immediate synchronization requests.
DUP: Duplicate Packets.
OSQ: Out-of-Sequence packets.
RTX: Retransmitted packets.
TXF: Transmit buffers full.
CLL: Echo packets requested.
RSP: Echo packets responded.
RTT: Round-trip time for the last packet burst.
RT1: Packets with round-trip below 200 ms.
RT2: Packets with round-trip below 500 ms.
RT3: Packet with round-trip 500 ms. or above.

The SNT, RCV, CLL, RSP and RT1 values will be the only categories to return statistics in a perfect test. The RT1, RT2 and RT3 results give an indication of the general network performance by grouping transaction responses into the different response groups. In a typical test, most transactions should call into the RT1 group, with very few RT2s and no RT3 results. The more RT3 values returned the more likely your users are to see an impact on performance.

This test is best reviewed specific to the physical area in which it was run. Changing locations may introduce obstructions, roaming between access points, or other factors that affect the test results.

Updated on October 28, 2020

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